The world of CPA marketing is now so big, complicated and competitive place. So much so that it may feel like you may never make money with CPA marketing.
But don’t despair: A hot offer can change the game because the CPA marketing success is based on a high converting offer.
So today I am going to tell you about the amazing CPA network Maxbounty. They have lots of high converting offers that you can promote and make big money.
By the end of this guide you’ll be able, how to find maximum hot offers at Maxbounty and also how to promote them profitably
So let’s jump in
What is Maxbounty
Maxbounty is a CPA network they have been in business since 2004 and they have the most respected and Authentic network in the industry.
They have offers from very popular and big brands like Inboxdollars, Microsoft and go daddy, a name of some brands.
And they have offers in all big niches like dating, health, wealth, automotive and education antivirus They also have Digital and physical products that you can promote
So let’s dive into how you can sign up with Maxbounty and get access thousands of CPA offers
Sign Up and Get Accepted
If you want to promote Maxbounty offers you have to sign up with them as Affiliate Account and have completed their sign up forum below is a detailed walk through how you can sign up.
Sign Up Page
So, once you’ve read through their pre-sell you head over to their signup page for new affiliates.
The following page will be open
At this page you have to answer a simple question “Do you already have an account with MaxBounty?” Click on NO to go further
After you click No the Registration form will pop up as shown below
You have to put your details carefully and original because they will contact you before approving
When you click next a new form will pop up at this form they ask from you your contact information like Mobile number and address , Skype etc
Now if you fill out and click next there will a new form to fill out
At this you will be asked your Affiliate Experience and what type traffic and vertices are you going to promote
Fill out and click next
Finally the last step pop up.
There are two points worth paying attention to here.
You have to promise to:
- Not sell your MaxBounty account
- Not send fake traffic to offers
Tick on checkbox and click submit.
Now you have completed the sign up process Maxbounty team will contact you between 24-48 hours and will decide if your account will accepted or rejected.
Navigation and Dashboard
When your account approved and you login your account here is first look of your dashboard.
On left upper corner there is Affiliate manger image and contact information if you need any help with campaign ,payment or approving offers you can contact them
Pro tip: in affiliate marketing success you ave to build strong relation with you AM.
Left section:
In the left section you can see different tabs about campaign reporting and blog etc
Right section:
In the right section you have main offers section where you can find offers that resonate with you and you think you can promote easily there is lots of way to promote offers Free and paid but don’t worry i will talk about them later but let’s talk about offers.
Finding Offers
Finding hot offers is a big part of Affiliate marketing Success and maxbounty made very easy to find hot offers at their dashboard as you can see their is different tabs about offers
Top offers
Trendin offers
New offers
Suggested offers
You can visit each of these Tabs and take a snake peak view of offers and then can click on an offer to view more details such as country devices and allowed traffic. Some offers need approval before you can promote so this is important you should look at offers carefully.
But their is also option for search and most affiliate use this option to find hidden offers
Here’s how
First of all click on search icon at left section Then a new page will as shown below
at that page select the all offers that Maxbounty have in their panel is displaying you have to click on epc (earning per click) then magic will happen now offers have order in by epc high epc indicates that this offer is converting well now you can select offer from this method
To be honest this is the method I recommend but you have to search very well before selecting an offer.
Creating Affiliate Link
So, now you have select your offer now it’s time to build your special affiliate link or tracking link for that offer
All you need to do is click on the build tracking link.
Then some option will be open like traffic type, creative and landing page you have to select which type of traffic you are going to run and than select creative and lastly select landing page and congratulation your tracking link has made
Copy that link and save in notepad because now we have to send traffic to this link.
Build High Converting Landing Page
Before we are ready to run traffic to our affiliate link we have to build a landing page.
But you should have to ask question why we have to build landing page and why we cant run traffic direct to offer that is good question so here is simple answer we have to warm our traffic before we send them to offer so increase our conversion rate and of course we make more money understand dude.
Don’t worry about making a landing page, you don’t have to learn the code we are using to build lp with software.
Here’s some popular landing page builder
you can use any one which you like if you don’t know how to build a landing page there is also a full guide for that you can check later.
You can also find landing pages from spy tools like anstrex or adplexty , clean malcious code and upload them to hosting.
Now we have create landing page in context our offer our next step is set up campaign in tracker.
Using Tracker
Now our next step is to build campaign in the tracker
There is many tracker in industry some paid and some free you can use any one which you prefer here’s popular tracker
1 voluum
2 binom
3 bemob
These are popular trackers among affiliates and they perform very well and you can use any of them which you like.
Now you have choose your tracker our next step is to make campaign inside tracker
i am going to use for this example bemob
Here is step by step process how you can set campaign in bemob tracker
First you have to add affiliate network in tracker and then you have to add traffic source in tracker then you have to add landing page URL in tracker and lastly you have to add your tracking link in tracker
If you done congratulations, we can set up our campaign in tracker.
Click on new campaign give it name and set parameter and click generate
Our campaign in tracker has set up now we have to send traffic to this URL so we can make real money in real time understand hmm yeah so let’s follow me on next step.
Choose Right Traffic Source
There are lots of ways you can send traffic to your offer but my favorite method is paid and specially Facebook ads you can choose any traffic source which you understand most.
If you want to know how to run traffic from Facebook ads you can click here. I have written an amazing post about Facebook ads and how you can optimize Facebook ads for profit.
But I recommend at begging you should run pop or push traffic so you understand the basics of ppc and then you can run native ads or social ads.
If you don’t know how to run pop or push traffic don’t worry i have detailed guide how you can run profitable pop and push campaign in propeller ads you can go there by clicking here
Getting Paid
You are running traffic to your offer and congratulations you are making millions of dollars right ahhhh no it wont work like that.
At beginning you have to optimize everything your ads targeting you lp and may be offer so you can make profit and when you done now we are making money now it’s time to getting our first income from Maxbounty super crazy moments☺️
Payment Timeframe
The “When” of getting paid as a MaxBounty affiliate is actually a two-step process.
You start off on net-15 payment terms.
So whatever you earn during a given month will be paid to you on the 15th of the following month.
BUT affiliates who earn enough to receive a payment are then automatically placed on a weekly payment schedule instead.
Payment Methods
If you’re living in a Western country, or a country not on some “ban” list, then you can choose from check, eCheck, direct deposit, wire transfer, and Payoneer as payment options.
But some of those options won’t be available to affiliates in certain countries.
Your commission payments are also converted into your local currency, so NZ affiliates will receive payment in New Zealand dollars, for example.
Payment Threshold
You must earn at least US$100 in commissions to trigger a payment from MaxBounty.
This is very suitable Threshold if you are begenner Affiliate Marketer.
Because at beginning you have budget issues.
Pro and Cons Of Maxbounty
- Really well-designed interface, for the most part
- Lots of CPS offers from big brand names
- Thousands of CPA offers to play with
- Their search function is excellent
- Huge commission rates of $50/50%+ per sale or lead
- MaxMoney promotions are a nice touch
- Their link creation tool is very intuitive
- Dedicated affiliate managers
- The most long-winded signup process. Ever
- Slooowwww account approval
- They will terminate your account in a heartbeat
- Absolutely no helpdesk support system
- No option for creating deep links
At the end I can say if you really want a consistent income you have to take maxbounty as a serious stream of offers they have offers from big brands.
Their offers convert very well and you can make significant profit if you choose the right traffic source and best converting landing page you will make high profit.
If you want to know which traffic source you should use here i have detailed guide about which traffic source use for what type offer now todays guide end if you have any question please feel comfortable to comment me below👇