
8 Moves To Workout Every Day


Lunges target the lower body, emphasizing the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Incorporate walking lunges or stationary lunges into your routine to improve balance, stability, and lower body strength

Benefits: Strengthens lower body muscles and improves balance.
Method: Step forward with one leg, lower body until both knees form 90-degree angles, then return to standing. Alternate legs. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 lunges per leg.

Pull-ups or Rows:

Engage your upper body with pull-ups (using a pull-up bar) or rows (using resistance bands or a machine). These exercises primarily target the back, biceps, and shoulders, enhancing upper body strength.

Benefits: Builds upper body strength (back, biceps, shoulders).
Method: For pull-ups, grip a bar, palms facing away, and pull body up until chin passes the bar. For rows, use bands or a machine, pulling weight towards you. Aim for 3 sets of 6-10 reps.

Cardiovascular Exercise:

Include at least 20-30 minutes of cardiovascular activity in your daily routine. Options like running, cycling, swimming, or jumping rope elevate your heart rate, improve endurance, and burn calories.

Benefits: Improves heart health, burns calories, boosts endurance.
Method: Engage in activities like running, cycling, swimming, or jump rope for 20-30 minutes, maintaining an elevated heart rate.

Cooldown and Stretching:

After your workout, engage in cooldown exercises like walking or gentle stretching to lower your heart rate and prevent muscle soreness. Stretch major muscle groups to enhance flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

Benefits: Reduces muscle soreness, improves flexibility.
Method: Perform gentle walking or low-intensity movements for 5 minutes, then stretch major muscle groups, holding each stretch for 15-30 seconds.

Incorporating these eight fundamental moves into your daily workout routine can significantly contribute to your overall fitness. Remember to focus on proper form, gradually increase intensity, and listen to your body to achieve the best results while staying safe and healthy.

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Written by Hassan Maqsood

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