
How To Attract A High Value Man: 24 unconventional principles to attract a man you adore in 2024.

Now, in this special post, I reveal 24 counterintuitive principles to attract a man you adore in 2024.

Because never in all of human history has finding love just felt so disorienting. Just constantly swiping right because every gross guy just wants the hanky panky.

Deep romantic connections that slowly turn into casual hookups because suddenly it turns out he’s still living with his ex-wife, but they are separated.

And the word courtship, it seems like a foreign language to most men out there. Courtship? Shit.

And all of this has led to a devastating new trend over the past few years that I call chaotic chemistry.

This is when you meet a man and are just flooded with those love chemicals, but the connection, it only lasts anywhere from three weeks to three months, and then he pulls away or worse, he just disappears.

Then you go right back into the chaos that is the 21st century dating scene. Women dealing with chaotic chemistry tend to experience these four Cs:

Confusion, what to do, what to say, are there any real men left out there? Complexity. Divorced dads who just want to play the field, or jealousy, or long-distance relationships, or guys who say one thing, but they really mean another.

Clutter, or what I call emotional clutter. Guys who waste your time and don’t even really want love or committed relationships, or another form of clutter is keeping your ex in the picture, still texting with him because you know what?

Compare, Compared to what you’re seeing out there, he doesn’t seem all that bad.

Confidence, And all of this leads us to the ultimate C, which is the worst of all, that is loss of your confidence.

And you might be thinking, Is there something wrong with me?

Well, I’m here to assure you that there’s nothing wrong with you. We just need a new strategy, a way to bring clarity to the chaos, a way to control the chaos, and most importantly, strategies to conquer the chaos.

And when you adopt the 24 principles that I reveal in this post, suddenly now you are in total control of your destiny to attract the man that you truly adore.

I mean, I had a woman the other day, Victoria, who told me that once she learned these principles, it felt like she going from a nightmare, which is modern dating, to suddenly just waking up and living that life that she’d always dreamed of.

1. Feminine energy: That is powerful.

So who has the most power while dating?

Well, everyone tends to think it’s men or it’s that masculine energy, but that is wrong.

Feminine energy is actually the most powerful energy when you’re dating.

Let me explain. When you’re dating or in a relationship, there are really two types of energies in the relationship. There’s masculine and there’s feminine.

Masculine energy tends to be that pursuer energy, whereas feminine energy tends to be that receiving energy.

Masculine energy tends to be attracted to feminine energy and vice versa.

It’s like a magnet.

So if you, as a woman, are leaning into your masculine energy, you’re going to attract a lot of feminine guys that you’re going to end up basically being their mother and caring for them rather than a real man who doesn’t need that.

And you’re going to repel the masculine guys that you actually want. No, thank you. Whereas if you lean into your feminine, you’ll actually be repelling those feminine guys who are looking for a mother and start to attract the independent, assertive, confident masculine men that you really want. But here’s the big shift that no one’s talking about.

Feminine energy is not about being weak. It’s about being warm and caring while also being incredibly confident and patient. Feminine energy is the most powerful energy throughout the dating scene.

I want you to be soft on the outside, but I want you to be hard as a rock on the inside with that confidence. Lean back, bring elegance, and make guys fight for you, not the other way around. Let your energy draw them in.

That is powerful.

2. Be attracted to yourself to live a life full of love

Now, these days, social media is constantly telling you that you’re not enough.

And when we’re dating, it can be really easy to look in the mirror and think, I’m too old, I’m overweight, or I’m not attractive to men.

And when you meet up with these guys, you might have a hard time just making things click.

All of this causes what I call the self-conscious snowball effect. This is when your insecurity is just radiating when you meet men, ultimately causing men to be uninterested. And then we inaccurately think that this is all because of our physical appearance.

But here is the reality.

It’s the perception you hold of yourself that’s pushing men away. When you’re attracted to yourself and radiate that in every interaction and know that you are absolutely the prize, then that radiates to men, and men also begin to believe it.

So I need you to be attracted to yourself in a healthy way, and you’ll have men fighting for you. Once you look in the mirror and you are like, damn, I look good, then men will tend to agree.

3. Avoid Narcissists Man

2024 is the year of the Narcissist.

And I need you to realize that narcissists are many times the most charming of all men.

And in 2024, narcissistic behavior is on the rise to unprecedented levels. Hi, I’m Ned the Narcissist, and I love myself way more than I love you.

Here are three signs that you’re meeting a guy just like him.

  1. I have such a fragile ego that I put you down to make myself feel better.
  2. You’re a loser because I’m a loser. I am very charming when I want something from you, and then once I get it, I’m going to disappear until I need something more from you, and then I’m back.
  3. And finally, I do not want to hear your opinion unless you wholeheartedly agree with mine.

Now, you can learn to avoid these men if you learn how to spot them. And remember, true confidence in a man is quiet, is understated, and really speaks for itself.

Insecure narcissism tends to be loud, tends to be showy, tends to be boisterous and attention-seeking. See it for what it truly is.

4. Real relationships require meeting real men in real life

If you are online dating, a man does not exist to you emotionally until you’ve met him in real life.

Look, here’s the problem. The human mind has not actually evolved for online dating.

I mean, we are at our core, we’re just a bunch of primates. And when we see a profile picture and start chatting with someone that we haven’t met yet, our ancient brains start to build that connection deeply and emotionally with someone that we’ve never actually met.

And this is because for 99.9999% of all of human history, we’ve only met potential mates in real life.

And online dating is all just very new to humans. We’re not designed for this. So a common trap that a lot of women fall into, and men, is to meet a person online and just allow yourself to get emotionally entangled and overcome with that wishful thinking.

So here’s what we need to do moving forward. Until this man is sitting across from you, he is a mirage.

He’s a projection of what you really want. And we need to meet the real man in real life before allowing ourselves to get emotionally attached.

5. Be easy to approach, hard to attain

Now, the vast majority of the dating advice garbage that is spouted by experts out there, it teaches women to play hard to get.

And how has that worked out for most women who follow that advice?

Saturday night, sitting at home, watching Netflix, eating ice cream, and playing hard to get.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love Netflix and I love ice cream, but I think we can all agree, it’s probably not the best way to attract love.

So when you do go out and meet men, I want you to be easy to approach. Don’t fall victim to the dreaded syndrome of the RBS, the Resting Brad face. Yeah, I won’t say the other B word that’s commonly used with RBS because you know what?

I’m a gentleman. How about instead we go with the ASF, which is an active smiling face. Because when a high value single man walks into a room, he literally scans the entire room looking for the woman who is least likely to reject him horrifically.

I mean, we have a deep-seated fear of rejection, and brats, they never get approached because guys just don’t want to deal with the eye rolls or the lectures when they do approach those types of women.

Your superpower this year is to be the most social woman in the room. Meet lots of guys, and then when they are pursuing, then slow it down and become hard to attain. You can do this when you have the right tools to make it happen. Be easy to approach, hard to attain.

 6. Learn to weed out the wrong men quickly

Let’s identify those time-wasters who rope you in and break your heart.

When you eliminate the worst, you make time for the best. And the worst types of guys are what we call ropers.

They tangle you up, complicate your life, then leave you high and dry.

So here’s what a ROPERS stands for:

R is resource flaunting. He’s the type of guy that wants to show off all of his money because you know what? He probably doesn’t have much of it.

The O is for overtly sexual. He tries to turn things very sexual, very quickly and inappropriately.

P is physically attractive without any type of substance.

E is emotionally unavailable. It almost feels like you are dating a robot.

The R is that he rarely makes you a priority. He always puts himself first.

And the S is that he is smooth and flirtatious because you know what? He flirts with a lot of different women.

The road to love hell is paved with ropers who will charm you and leave you heartbroken. Now, one of my clients, Danielle, would always get sucked in by these types of guys until she learned these proven strategies. And now here’s her story.

I was picking all the guys that were just like him and ones that were just in it for… Hassan has a ton of names for all of them, right? But whether it be the Ropers, the Orbiter, whatever, that’s what I ended up with.

And so at that point, I found love strategies and fought it for a while, I would say. This is so counterintuitive. This doesn’t make sense to me. And being an analytical mind, I just said, Okay, embrace the steps, embrace the process.

And as Hassan says, if you’re not having fun, you’re not doing it right. I think that I would end up with a really great friendship in addition to a relationship out of just taking their risk of saying, yes, I’m going to join Dollarsmartguides.

A year ago, I would never have even considered this a possibility. So to know that it’s not only a part of my world, but it is part of my everyday life now. And says a lot about what Hassan has to offer.

7. Use the power of No and the magic of Next

Now, one trend I’ve noticed about our community, is that it is full of so many kind and wonderful women who just don’t want to hurt feelings, but it causes them to get sucked into situations with the wrong types of guys, all for the sake of being nice.

Now, I don’t recommend that you be rude when we get out there, but we need to celebrate using the power of No.

And if necessary, the magic of the word Next and move on to the Next guy.

Because for every yes to the right man, you have to be prepared to confidently say no to so many more.

I mean, I had a client a few months ago who was in our executive coaching program, and she was in a total state of chaotic chemistry. She was messaging with literally 10 different guys on dating apps. She was dating five of them in real life, and her ex was still texting with her daily, of which she was responding to, and she was wondering, with all this chaos going on, why nothing was actually panning out.

So I told her, her name is Allison, it’s time to purge your love life.

Clean out the closet, prune the garden, revamp the menu. She liked that one, by the way. It’s time to start over.

Now, Look, I’ve personally fallen into this trap myself. I remember before I met Jessica, I was in a deep state of chaotic chemistry. I was talking to women where there was absolutely no future, and it just nothing was panning out.

So I decided, I was like, I’m going to cut everything clean slate, and that is when my wife appeared right in my life. It was at that moment. So if we’re talking to a guy right now, you do not see a future in the next 10, 20, 30 years and beyond with that guy, then repeat after me. It’s time to say that magical four-letter word. You know Next, and move on to the Next.

8. Getting rejected while dating is always a growth opportunity

Use the pain as the medicine.

Look, for starters, I don’t even believe in using the word rejected because honestly, if someone’s not interested in dating you, It’s not rejection. It’s just not a fit.

Next, not a big deal.

But since a lot of people commonly use the word rejection, I’ll use it here to illustrate a very powerful mental model. Rejection plus reflection equals progress. Now, prior to working with us, Beatta was shut down from rejection.

I had divorced at this point now. Well, last year, it was like I’d been divorced for 11 years, and it was a very tough divorce. So basically, I was completely shut down in that area.

And then she re-framed it in her mind as a growth opportunity, and now here’s where she is.

Definite confirmation that I want to be with you and just you. We’re making plans, all the things that we’re making plans All the things that were unsure are sure now. And all thanks to good communication and taking time and using proper strategies and, I think, understanding each other better.

9. Never be ashamed of wanting a committed exclusive relationship

I mean, your girlfriends, your family, they’ll tell you things like, Oh, you don’t need a man.

You’re an independent woman.

And look, it’s all well intentioned, but it subconsciously programs us to fall into unhealthy casual hookups or to avoid relationships altogether because we are so self-sufficient.

And even worse, society has created this stigma around wanting a relationship as if this is needy or full of dependency or weakness.

Instead, we take a very different approach, which is why we’re so successful at helping women attract love. Here at Dollarsmartguides, our clients embrace their desire for a relationship with pride, with confidence, and there’s absolutely no shame in seeking connection and companionship.

It doesn’t come from a place of void or incompleteness. It comes from a place of having a vision for your love life. You don’t need someone to make your life amazing. You want someone to share your amazing life with. There’s a big difference.

10. Just stop trying to be so perfect

Look, and the reality is humans actually bond with one another based on imperfections, not perfections.

Trying to be perfect actually breaks the bond.

And most people on first dates or when they’re meeting someone new, they try to say the perfect thing.

I get it. I’ve been there. Or have the absolute perfect body language, you name it. Or we just try to be our picture perfect self.

But here’s the problem. Not only is perfection impossible, it’s also not attractive. There’s a psychological principle known as the pratfall effect, and that is where showing your imperfections or your mistakes or vulnerability can actually make someone more relatable and increase their attractiveness and likability.

So when you’re dating a new guy, don’t be afraid to share those less than perfect parts about you, okay!

I want you to be your real self, and your real self is full of imperfections, and that’s okay. I mean, think of it this way.

Imagine meeting a politician in real life, When you meet that person, they’re just so rigid and fake, and you know everything that they’re saying is BS, right?

Then when you meet someone who’s actually real with you, who’s not afraid to just snort when they laugh a little bit or just be a little bit ridiculous this, which one are you going to like more?

The politician or the person who’s being real but snorts when they laugh. Which one are you going to trust? Never be ashamed to let the real you shine.

11. Be a chooser, not a chaser

A chaser is a woman who actively seeks companionship from men who are a little bit lukewarm or uninterested.

A chooser is a woman who meets lots of men and then decides with care and consideration which one aligns best with their values, her interests, her life goals.

And because I’m feeling a little bit romantic today, I actually wrote you a quick poem that really gets to the core of this idea.

So, let’s cue some of that romantic music to get this point across for the ladies out there. The Chaser runs with a hopeful heart, dreaming of that fairy tale start through texting calls they give their all, hoping one day love will fall.

The chooser leans back with that thoughtful gaze through the romantic maze. She ponders and picks not swayed by the quick, seeking a match that truly clicks. This year’s mantra, Be a chooser, Not a chaser. 

12. Understand the law of relationship averages

You are the average of the man you marry.

Now, a famous author, Jim Rohn, has a famous quote,

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

And I’ve always loved this, and I think that this is really good advice to give, especially to children and who they surround themselves with.

But in the context of love, I actually take this idea one step further. You are the average of the person you marry. But this is easy to forget when we’re dating. The stakes are really high.

So take the time, invest your energy in this process. Prioritize this in your life. And when you’re dating someone new, don’t ask yourself, Do I like him? Instead, ask yourself, Do I want to be like him?

Because you will if you choose him.

13. Healthy relationships tend to be boring most of the time

And by the way, that is a good thing.

Now, this is a tough pill to swallow for many of us who love the excitement of being with someone.

Who’s mysterious and exciting, who are hot and cold, who have that just intoxicating dynamic that leaves you guessing because chaotic chemistry can actually be addictive.

So it’s important to realize that healthy relationships tend to actually be much less dramatic, and for a lack of better term, boring at times.

So moving forward, don’t freak out when you’re seeing a guy if it feels just a little bit more boring than you’re used to.

Within reason, this is a good thing. I believe that true love is when a man tells you how he really feels.I mean, he shows up for you, he leans in. I mean, love is patient, whereas chaotic chemistry is very demanding.

Love thrives on emotion, whereas chaotic chemistry is really fueled by that instant attraction. And most importantly, love is long term, whereas chaotic chemistry, it is fleeting.

14. Weird is wonderful

I mean, it is better to be weird than go on notice when finding love.

I had to put on my wig for this one. Couldn’t help myself. And women in particular I’ve been taught this head trash to just always fit in.

I mean, everyone’s just trying to fall into this neat little box and do whatever it is that they’re told and wondering why it is that they are never getting noticed.

And a lot of women will rely on fancy designer clothes and makeup and all of these things when they’re really missing the big picture. Embrace the weird. Embrace the memorable uniqueness that is you.

This year, I want you to be more of what makes you, you.

Do you have a weird quirky sense of humor? Let it shine, baby.

Do you like to wear vintage clothing? You rock that.

Are you into making jewelry out of insects? Yes, that is a real thing. Maybe tell him about that, but just don’t wear that beetle on your neck on the first day. That might creep him out a little bit.

15. Be a little selfish

Once you live your own full complete life, only then are you really relationship ready.

If we’re going out there looking for someone to complete me, you’re more likely to settle for less than you deserve.

Because this mindset creates an empty, yearning, longing, and needy vibe that attracts the wrong type of guy.

The guys that are opportunistic, they’re shallow, or they’re just very focused on sex, or even worse, scammers.

So moving forward, I need you to realize you don’t need a relationship. You want a relationship.

There’s a very big difference there. I remember I said this to a client a few months ago and really hit home with her, and that is the moment you enjoy your love life is the very moment that a man sweeps you off your feet and makes you un-single.

And so she embraced this idea and leaned into making her life absolutely incredible. And behold, a guy has recently come into her life, and she’s saying he’s a keeper. So, hey, it works.

15. A quality community is key to success and love

Sadly, in modern times, people are more isolated than ever.

And if you feel alone on your journey to love, you’re absolutely not alone in feeling that way.

Based on a recent study that just came out, nearly half of all people reporting having fewer than three close friends. And this is double than what it was in the 1990s.

I mean, this is a brand new phenomenon. People just don’t have the same connections that they used to even 20, 30 years ago. Your community really matters. And when it comes to love, sometimes even our closest friends will give us some really unhelpful advice like.

Oh, love will come when you least expect it, as if that was ever helpful advice.

So this year, I really encourage you to get out there and find your community of like-minded women who are on that path to attracting love.

And this is why here at Dollarsmartguides, we put so much focus on our community because we know that those friendships, that camaraderie that people have in the program, that is what fuels them to ultimately get success in their love life.

This is what Amy had to say about our community. It’s nice to have a support group of your peers.

It’s calm. It’s wonderful. We spend a lot of quality time together doing things like cooking. I didn’t think I would find it in this tiny little town, but here I am.

16. You know what the scariest word is while dating? Settling

So no matter how long you’ve been with someone, you always have walking power.

It is so much better to be single than feeling lonely in the wrong relationship.

So why do people stay in the wrong relationship?

Fear: Fear of not knowing whether or not we can do better.

Fear of repeating the same patterns.

Fear of not having a strategy to attract long-lasting love.

And where does this leave us?

According to one recent study, 75% of married people say that they settled. Man, that is depressing. But that doesn’t happen here. I love strategies. So it’s time to start embracing that magical four-letter word, which is Next.

Because here, I love strategies. We don’t believe in settling. I mean, our core company mission is helping humanity thrive in healthy, loving relationships.

And if a relationship doesn’t help you grow fundamentally as a human, then it is the wrong relationship. Never be afraid to walk away because you always have a choice. You always have walking power.

17. Be self-aware, not self-conscious when you’re dating

What does it sound like to be self-conscious when dating?

Self-consciousness in dating really causes women to excessively worry about how they are being perceived by men, and all people, by the way.

Ultimately, this leads us to anxiety and those potentially awkward interactions because we’re trying to be so perfect out there, all of which lowers our chances of genuine connection. It also results in us holding back our true thoughts and feelings out of the fear of rejection.

And this just kills our confidence in dating situation, which only lowers, once again, the likelihood of finding love.

Alternatively, self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s character, feelings, motives, and desires.

It involves understanding your strengths, your weaknesses, your thoughts, your beliefs, your motivations, and your emotions. Self-aware people tend to be more in tune with themselves.

Because of this, they can communicate their needs and desires and boundaries when they’re in a relationship. All of this really allows you to present your true, genuine self in a relationship, building a massive amount of trust and a deeper connection with guys.

18. Checklist are not romantic

No more checklist. Don’t create a checklist of what you want in a guy.

Instead, create a love vision. Now, one of the first things we have our clients do is literally rip up their checklist and stop looking for what we call checklist Charlie.

Charlie sucks anyways.

And we walk them through an exercise of creating something much more profound and much less constricting.

It’s a vision that encapsulates both their short term and more importantly, long term needs. This year, I want you to allow yourself to zoom out in your love life and think about the man that fits in the now and in the future.

I mean, ask yourself this,

What type of guy would your 90-year-old self want you to date?

Think of that woman sitting in her rocking chair. What would she want for you today?

Now, previous to working with us, Laura, she always went with the checklist Charlie’s. She had her checklist, and this is the type of guy she’d always go for until she created a love vision. And now here’s her story.

What you’re looking for may not be what you think it is. He’s not what I thought I was looking for when I started, but he’s everything that I wanted. I just didn’t know it until I had a love vision to guide me there.

So it’s just really interesting.

19. Master Minute 1

When you master the first minute of meeting someone, you can have anything in life that you desire.

Master minute one.

Now, humans have been hardwired for thousands of years to be incredibly judgmental.

And for good reason. We had to know whether or not we could trust someone from, let’s say, a neighboring tribe. I mean, it could literally be life or death if we got it wrong.

So in modern times, we have to be very good at first impressions. And sadly, we’ve gotten pretty rusty at our first impressions and our social skills, mostly due to modern technology and isolation. And the reality is that most studies show that anywhere from 30 seconds to one minute of meeting a new person within that time frame, we are deciding whether or not we like that person and whether that’s romantically or Platonically.

Whatever it is that we decide, we tend to stick to it for life. But there’s good news here. It is absolutely a learnable skill. Master Minute 1, and you’ll have your pick of any guy out there.

20. Lasting love formula

There’s actually an equation for a relationship that lasts for the rest of your life.

I call it the lasting love formula.

It is attraction plus friendship plus compatibility.

Attraction is easy, right? It’s when you have chemistry with someone, when you are drawn to that person, when you are deeply attracted and excited about that person.

Friendship is the second component of this. I want you to think of, how does your best friend treat you?

How respectful is that person towards you?

How much can you trust that person?

When you think of your romantic relationships in terms of friendship, suddenly it reconfigures what it is that you’re looking for. And that’s a good thing because ultimately the person you want to be with is truly your best friend.

And then finally, compatibility. This is when you want the same things, you want to live in the same area, and you have the same values.

You need to have all three of these in order to have a lasting lifelong relationship, attraction, friendship, and compatibility. I’m here to help you find a guy who has all three.

21. Youthfulness is more important than age

Look, you do not need to be young to attract men.

Absolutely not.

But you do need to radiate youthfulness.

Let me explain. Your age is simply a number, but radiating youthfulness is actually a mindset. And these two things are not necessarily correlated, quite the contrary. I’m telling you, I’ve met some women who are in their 20s with a youthfulness of a 90 or 100-year-old. And I’ve worked with many women in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond, even 90s, who are literally oozing youthful energy.

A few One of the qualities of youthfulness, I’d say, is having curiosity, being excited about life, being open to new ideas and learning new things, being a little bit playful, having fun on a first date, not being afraid to be flirtatious.

This is what embodies youthfulness.

22. Never invest more in a man than he is investing in you

Instead of chasing the wrong men, invest your energy into learning new ways to find someone better.

Because whether or not we know it, when we’re dating, there’s always some level of investment.

And when we don’t know how to navigate modern dating, we tend to invest our time, energy, and resources very poorly.

But when we have a proven strategy to make it a reality, it actually saves us time, it saves us emotional energy, and it saves us from that heartbreak.

23. Your decision right now shapes your destiny

The man that you choose as a romantic partner is the one choice that impacts all areas of your life, from longevity to mental health to success in your career.

It has an impact on everything you do. And the weird thing is people get coaching, they get help, they get advice, and all areas of their life.

But for whatever reason, a lot of people don’t think to get coaching in their love life.

Now, hopefully you found these principles to be helpful for you today, but we all know that reading just a short post, it’s not going to be the one catalyst to creating the permanent change necessary in your love life.

His Secret Obsession

Instead, we need to take action. We need a step-by-step strategy and a support system every single step of the way. I want to introduce you to the His Secret Obsession.

This is the world’s premier executive love coaching program that is uniquely tailored for successful women just like yourself. Look, we don’t just coach you on how to find love using a proven strategy, we also stand by you, offering unwavering support to nurture and sustain a lifelong relationship.

Thousands of our clients now wake up every morning to the man of their dreams, feeling that unwavering certainty that he is their person.

His Secret Obsession is designed to help you raise your standards, attract high-value men, and save you time every single step of the way.

Now, the reason why this program is so effective is because it’s broken up into three core pillars. First one is the strategies where you immerse yourself in just a treasure trove of proven dating relationship strategies.

These have been honed over a decade to navigate every single facet of your love journey. You’ll follow a very specific strategy that I call the seven The Hero Instinct. This is small but powerful strategy designed to guide you on your journey.

Next is Secret Signals. Sometimes it was a simple phrase, a thoughtful gesture, or even a short message like in Rachel’s case.

But they all had one thing in common.

They seemed to trigger a strong emotional reaction in their man, awakening his hero instinct and making him instinctively notice her with new eyes.

And that was always the turning point.

Every time I discovered one of these signals, I wrote it down in this little black notebook I carry with me everywhere.

And I called them Secret Signals

….Because of the incredible ability they have to capture a man’s undivided attention, sparking deep feelings of love without him even knowing why.

Then not long ago, I started sharing them with a small handful of the women I was coaching at the time.

I told them Rachel’s story and taught them how to use the secret signals for themselves.

And each time I did, I was stunned to hear how well they worked.

Each woman instantly went from getting the cold shoulder from her man to receiving the thoughtful gestures, long conversations, and loving intimacy she’d always craved.

The more women I showed this to, the more I realized how empowering these signals were, and how many lives they could change.

And I knew right then that I had to do everything in my power to get them out into the world and to the women who needed them the most.

For the past few months, I’ve taught these signals to women going through as many different relationships situations as you can imagine.

Whether it was:

  • Emotionally unavailable boyfriends
  • Bored and distant husbands
  • Or even exes that wouldn’t give them the time of day

… the real-life success stories I’ve heard back are nothing short of astonishing.

Women who had all but given up on finding real love now had men going overboard to make them feel special, cherished, and truly loved.

Now, since you’ve made it this far in the post, it’s likely that you are an absolute perfect fit for this program because you are an action taker.

You’re looking for this type of information. But due to the massive demand of this program, we can’t just offer this to everyone in the general public.

We consider our community as this protected sanctuary, and we are extremely intentional about the clients that we actually bring on board.

And this careful selection ensures that we deliver those life-changing outcomes they truly deserve.

So here’s what I can offer you today. Click the button right there below, watch free video session where we teach you very special secrets to win heart of your desire guy and then you choose if this program fit or not fit for you.

…..There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I mean, the worst case scenario is that we discover that it’s just not a fit.

But even then, you’re going to leave the conversation feeling inspired and armed with a newfound direction for your journey.

And the best case scenario is that it is a fit, and we go ahead and open up a spot for you in this program and start to transform your life forever.

Click Here to watch free video session

What do you think?

Written by Hassan Maqsood

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